5 research outputs found

    A Novel Diffusion-Permutation Image Encryption Scheme Based on Spatiotemporal Chaos

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    The spatiotemporal chaos possesses better properties than simple chaotic system, which has attracted more and more attention by the researchers in the image encryption field. This paper presents a novel image encryption scheme based on spatiotemporal chaos. The algorithm uses the spatiotemporal chaos to diffuse plain image and an Arnold map shuffle the positions of pixels. Test results and security analysis not only show that the scheme is characteristic of excellent sensitivity to the original image and keys, large secret key space and high expansibility, but also has excellent effective encryption and strong anti-attacking performance

    DCEEMR: A Delay-Constrained Energy Efficient Multicast Routing Algorithm in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks

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    We discuss the delay-constrained energy efficient multicast routing problem in cognitive radio ad hoc networks. A cognitive radio ad hoc network is a wireless multihop network established by secondary users on varying available spectrum bands. The research on routing is a hot topic in the field of cognitive radio ad hoc networks. However, multicast routing algorithm study of cognitive radio ad hoc networks is still at its start stage. In this paper, we proposed a novel delay-constrained energy efficient multicast routing algorithm (DCEEMR) in cognitive radio ad hoc networks. The DCEEMR guarantees that the multicast tree can be found if it exists, and the multicast tree satisfies the delay bound and has low energy consumption. The algorithm uses delay-energy function to construct the multicast tree based on the spectrum selection. Through an example with random network topology, we demonstrate that our algorithm is better in terms of energy cost of multicast tree as compared to the existing algorithm QoS dependent multicast routing (QDMR). Moreover, the algorithm does not suffer from high complexity common to the algorithm QDMR. Experiment results by NS-2 show that the delay and cost of tree are lower than well-known multicast ad hoc on-demand distance vector (MAODV) protocol